Do you have a boring piece of furniture sitting around? I will show you how to transform it into a farmhouse piece that would look beautiful in your home!

This piece used to have doors and a slate top. It was less than fun, dare I say boring. So I did what I do and transformed her.

Dixie Belle Paint Products

Step by Step

After measuring and cutting wood, it’s time to plug in the holes from the hinges.

Step One

First, I used the Dixie Belle Mud and plugged the holes. Once the mud was dried, I next used my sandpaper and sanded away the dry mud so it was smooth.

Step Two

Next, I used Buttercream, it is the perfect farmhouse color. Buttercream is a warm white shade that just adds warmth and farmhouse goodness to any room!

Step Three

Finally, I stained the top of the piece with No Pain Gel Stain in Espresso. I used a rag to stain the piece. I wiped the stain on the wood and then used a clean cloth to wipe the excess stain back.

For more information on this tutorial, click here!

About the Author

Dixie Belle Paint Company

Dixie Belle Paint Company provides a line of chalk mineral paint that is high quality, easy to use, and most importantly priced so every DIYer can create and discover the joy of painting.

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