Step into the world of Dixie Belle Paint where creativity has no limit. Today, let’s take a curious peek into the artistic realm of Amy O’Connor, the creative force behind AJ’s Vintage Designs and one of our esteemed brand ambassadors. Amy’s journey with Dixie Belle Paint has been a testament to the transformative power of color and imagination. Join us as we uncover the story behind Amy’s passion for furniture painting, her deep connection with Dixie Belle products, and her invaluable insights into the world of DIY design.

Describe the pivotal moment when you realized that your passion for art and DIY ventures could evolve from mere hobbies into a full-fledged business endeavor. What initial steps did you take to make this transition?

I’ve always tried to make whatever I’m doing incorporate something creative, whether it was back in my teaching days, corporate training days, or even during my downtime.  I love to be creative and I love to teach.  I never really planned on turning it into a full-time business, but I was lucky enough to have it happen.  Honestly, I turned it into a full-time business the day Dixie Belle approached me and asked if I’d be one of their Brand Ambassadors …. and that’s where it all began.


Reflect on your earliest encounter with Dixie Belle Paint’s products. What convinced you that they were the perfect fit for your creative projects?

I had actually never tried Dixie Belle before 2017, and they reached out to me and asked if I’d like to try it and do a review on my YouTube channel.   I agreed, so I  picked out my favorite color (Collard Greens) and when I used it for the first time, I was hooked.  They then asked me to join the Brand Ambassador Team and that’s where it all began.


Could you share with us your top pick among Dixie Belle Paint’s products? Feel free to highlight any additional favorites you may have.

Their chalk mineral paints are by far my favorites, and then I’d have to say Terra Clay Paint.  I’ve never been a fan of clay paint before, but after playing with Terra it’s a whole new ball game.  I love it.   I also would have to say Gator Hide and their Easy Peasy Spray Wax would definitely be on my favorite list.

 Let’s delve into the realm of creativity and inspiration. What ignites your imagination when embarking on a new project? Do you have any unique rituals or habits that help stimulate your creativity before delving into a painting or renovation venture?

I usually don’t decide on a look for a project until the very last minute and then I usually change my mind while I’m painting.   I’ll try something just for fun and things evolve from there.   My inspiration usually just comes from looking at the piece and just starting painting….. you can always change your vision anytime because as they say “it’s just painted”.


Our life stories shape our artistic journeys in profound ways. How has your personal narrative influenced both your artistic expression and your collaboration with Dixie Belle Paint? We’re eager to hear your unique perspective.

My husband and I used to flip houses, so painting pieces that I think would have gone with a room we were doing influenced me a lot.  Dixie Belle has so many colors and products to choose from allowing me to create any look I want and to venture out of my comfort zone and try something new.


Amy O’Connor’s partnership with Dixie Belle Paint and her unwavering commitment to her craft exemplify the endless possibilities within the realm of furniture painting. Through her boundless creativity and dedication, Amy continues to inspire countless individuals to explore their own artistic potential. As we conclude this enriching conversation, we encourage you to embark on your own creative journey with Dixie Belle Paint. Let your imagination soar, and discover the joy of transforming the ordinary into the extraordinary, just like Amy does with AJ’s Vintage Designs. Until we meet again, may your endeavors be filled with color and inspiration!

About the Author

Ajs Vintage Designs

Amy, also know as Aj, is the type of person who craves creativity. She's always looking for a way to express herself. Whether it be painting furniture or refashioning an old article of clothing, Amy is passionate about making the old new away.

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