Hey y’all, Tracey from Tracey’s Fancy here!

When I came across this pair of beauties……I truthfully almost cried tears!!!  And to make it even better…..they belong to an entire bedroom set!  Yup……two nightstands, queen headboard, enormous nine drawer dresser and the biggest mirror I’ve ever seen!

I could not contain or restrain my joy!  So I went with it!

I painted my heart……in full color……right onto these curvy girls!

I hope they portray my enthusiasm and excitement in just the right way!

To obtain this whimsical pink princess finish on a piece of your own…I will share with you my every step including all products used in a clickable shop section.

How To:

I showered the entire piece with White Lightning by Dixie Belle to remove all oil, dirt and accumulated grime in the carvings. I then showered well with plain water.

After fully dry….I base coated them using my DB Mini brush with two coats of Dixie Belle Peony…..my all-time favorite color in the Dixie Belle line (ok….tough call between Peony and The Gulf)!

I then coated with one sloppy coat of Clear Top Coat in Satin.

Next, I covered all carvings and the entire skirt in Best Dang Wax in Black and wiped back….leaving only black wax in the crevices (or lows as we call it) of the carvings.

Check out my video on these pieces!

I chose Dixie Belle Soft Pink and used it as the deep inset color around the main front and side panels and let that dry.  I realize it looks white…but it’s actually Soft Pink.

The most difficult part of the process for me was making them fairly similar.  I highly recommend working on matching pieces….side by side….at the same time.  What you do to one piece…move over and do to the other…right then.

Next, I began with the feet/legs of the pieces.  Tipping the ends in the beautiful Dixie Belle Cobalt Blue….topping them in Blueberry…..and a little fresh wet Peony in between….then using the FREAKING amazing new French Tip brush…..I began blending the three colors to create an ombre effect of cobalt blue to light purple to periwinkle….which I carried the periwinkle across the skirt.

For more details on these pieces and the second tutorial video, head to Tracey’s Fancy Blog here!

About the Author

Traceys Fancy

Tracey Bellion is well known for her innovative, brilliant, and over-the-top furniture designs that encompass a Whimsical Wonderland. She loves to paint with playful colors and infuse multiple mixed patterns and textures not usually seen together. Tracey’s signature black and white checkerboard pattern is not only one of her favorite patterns to use to add visual interest, it also serves as a neutral in her furniture designs.

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