Hi everyone! It’s Denise from Salvaged Inspirations! I started with a vintage dresser with so many gorgeous details! There was trim missing on the oval and a few missing pieces of veneer, but nothing a fancy, velvety paint finish couldn’t cover up.

Materials List:

Paint Brushes
Shop Towel | Titebond Glue
White Lightning
Sandpaper | Tack Cloth
Water Mister
Woodubend Trim
BOSS Gray Primer
Antebellum Blue Chalk Mineral Paint
In The Navy Chalk Mineral Paint
Gemstone Mousse in Amber
Satin Clear Coat

How To:

Step 1:

I started by removing all the hardware and giving it a really good cleaning inside and out.

Step 2:

To repair the broken trim on the front oval, I removed what was left using a putty knife and then gave the entire dresser a scuff sanding. I used this Woodubend trim and glued it on using Titebond Glue.

Step 3:

Because these old vintage dressers tend to show splotches and bleed through, I primed with this BOSS Tinted Gray Primer.

Pro Tip ~ When painting a dark color, a tinted primer is really helpful as it will cut down on the number of coats needed for full coverage.

Step 4:

For my base coat, I used In The Navy. With the help of the tinted primer, I got GREAT coverage with just one coat! Once my base coat of navy was dry, I gave it a light sanding to knock it down and then added a paint-wash of Antebellum Blue over it. Brush the paint on, then dab it off with a lint-free towel or shop cloth. This removes a little of the wash to reveal the navy base coat underneath.

To read the rest of this elegant tutorial, head on over to Salvaged Inspirations here!

About the Author

Salvaged Inspirations

Denise is a blogger, self-taught furniture artist, writer, photographer and the owner/creator of Salvaged Inspirations. She is a lover of all things vintage, repurposed and restyled. A thrift enthusiast, she’s always in pursuit of the next creative upcycle.

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