Happy (almost) Fall readers – it’s Tracey from Tracey’s Fancy!

Join me while I turn this thrifted scalloped serving tray into a Whimsy Holiday Serving Tray. This serving tray will be perfect for your football and holiday events.

Material List:

Here is how the piece was originally purchased:

Step 1:

To get started, I went to my collection of Dixie Belle Paint! I painted this tray using Fluff Chalk Mineral Paint.
It’s a soft white color. The paint is full coverage but due to the splotchy red original finish, it took two coats to achieve full coverage.

Dixie Belle Chalk Mineral Paint in Color Fluff

Step 2:

I sanded it back lightly to smooth the surface before continuing with Caviar Chalk Mineral Paint.

I used 1.5″ painter’s tape to tape off my stripe pattern around the perimeter of the tray, making sure to use a spacer piece for perfect alignment.

In the video below, you can see my taping process!

Step 3:

Using Fluff Chalk Mineral Paint again, I burnished the edges of the tape to ensure crisp lines! No one likes messy lines!

Caviar Chalk Mineral Paint is such a fabulous black and is my go-to for stripes! I painted a single coat of black for the stripes, immediately removing the tape for PERFECTLY crisp lines!

Dixie Belle's Chalk Mineral Paint in Color Caviar

Step 4:

Moving on to the next step, while the previous coats dried, I pulled out the little bag of wooden candle sticks I bought. In my opinion, these make the best feet for trays! I gave each one a single coat of Fluff Chalk Mineral Paint.

Then, using wood glue, I glued the candlesticks to the underside of the tray in the outer four corners. Remember to allow this to dry for several hours before flipping the tray over.

Wood Glue, Wood Knobs and Dixie Belle Chalk Mineral Paint in Fluff

Step 5:

In this step, I gave the tray a light coat of Dixie Belle’s Easy Peasy Spray Wax to seal the Chalk Mineral Paint and offer a bit of protection.


Photo of Dixie Belle's Easy-Peasy Clear Mattee Wax Spray


Step 6:

Now, onto the best part of this Whimsy Holiday Serving Tray-  The RIBBON!!!

I chose an Umber Brown/Terracotta satin ribbon paired with a Harvest Gold satin ribbon and wound them through the holes around the perimeter of the tray! I tied it off with a big floppy bow!

And she’s complete! My day is made!

Makeovers don’t have to be BIG to be EXCITING! Keep your eyes open! What’s someone else’s trash could be your next treasure!

Dixie Belle Paint Painted Holiday Serving Tray

To read more about Tracey’s talented crafting adventures with Dixie Belle Paint and products, head over to Tracey’s Fancy.


Fall Holiday Serving Tray painted with Dixie Belle Paint

About the Author

Traceys Fancy

Tracey Bellion is well known for her innovative, brilliant, and over-the-top furniture designs that encompass a Whimsical Wonderland. She loves to paint with playful colors and infuse multiple mixed patterns and textures not usually seen together. Tracey’s signature black and white checkerboard pattern is not only one of her favorite patterns to use to add visual interest, it also serves as a neutral in her furniture designs.

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