Welcome to the colorful world of Dixie Belle Paint, where creativity knows no bounds! Today, we’re thrilled to give you an exclusive peek behind the scenes as we sit down with the vibrant and talented Tracey Bellion, the creative powerhouse behind Tracey’s Fancy. As a brand ambassador for Dixie Belle Paint, Tracey brings passion, expertise, and an infectious energy to everything she touches. Get ready to be inspired as we delve into Tracey’s journey, her favorite tips and tricks, and what makes Dixie Belle Paint the go-to choice for DIY enthusiasts everywhere. So grab your paintbrush and let’s dive into the wonderful world of Tracey’s Fancy and Dixie Belle Paint!

Dixie Belle Paint Brand Ambassador Tracey's Fancy

What was that “aha” moment in your life when you realized art and DIY projects weren’t just hobbies, but something you could truly turn into a business? What was your first step in making that transition?

“13 years ago I painted my childhood bedroom set for my 1st grandchild.  My daughter-in-law posted it to her personal  Facebook page and within a week I had months worth of custom orders.  I was mind-blown!  She immediately set up an ETSY shop (which Etsy was in its infancy stages back then) and my hobby instantly became a business.  I painted 24/7/365 for years without a single gap in orders!”


Can you take us back to the first time you tried their products? What was it about Dixie Belle that made you think, “Yep, this is the one”?

“I was contacted by Teri and Suzanne back in 2015.  They asked if they could send me some paint.  I was already working with another paint brand but I accepted the gift.  I knew from the moment I tried it (Dixie Belle Blue I believe, Lucky Lavender, and Yellow….I used them to paint a headboard) that it was a paint I’d love to work with. The texture, pigmentation, and coverage were like none I’d ever used!  However, my loyalties to another paint brand business owner were strong.  They continued to stay in touch and I eventually switched over to all DB products and accepted the role as a DB as a brand ambassador in 2018 and I’ve never looked back!”


Could you give us the inside scoop on your favorite Dixie Belle Paint product? And hey, if there’s more than one, that’s okay.

“Without hesitation, my favorite DB product is the entire chalk mineral line!  I feel like it runs through my veins!!!  I now know this product inside and out which gives me the utmost confidence when I’m creating!  My favorite colors at the moment (well….almost always) are The Gulf, Peony, Flamingo, Antebellum Blue, Caviar, and Fluff!

“If I had to name a second product it would be Best Dang Wax in Black!  It’s the chef’s kiss to any and all projects!”


Let’s talk about creativity and inspiration! What sparks your imagination when you’re starting a new project? Do you have any quirky rituals or habits that get your creative juices flowing before diving into a painting or refurbishing adventure?

“I am drawn to and inspired by anything ethereal, dreamy, or fantastical! I turn to creating as a way to add more Wonder to this stress-filled world! If I can create something that allows someone to ‘imagine’…. then I have done my job! I don’t have any rituals per se…..but I do have a “workshop” playlist that consists heavily of 70’s music! Anything by Elton John, Van Morrison, James Taylor, Linda Ronstadt, Neil Diamond, or Rod Stewart makes me leave the world behind and get into my flow!”


How has your personal journey influenced your artistry and partnership with Dixie Belle Paint?

“Back in 2017, I was faced with a life-threatening diagnosis.  During this time I took a short break from my painting business as I reevaluated what is most important to me.  I came to the realization that I had allowed myself to become consumed with my work (which was easy because I love painting so much)…causing an imbalance in my work/life priorities.  So, I made the choice to return to my creative work….but with a new framework in place.”

“I wanted out of my lonely garage…..away from painting furniture around the clock just to fulfill custom orders and meet stressful shipping deadlines.  I wanted to reach people on a broader scale and TEACH others how to paint for themselves!  So with this in mind….I approached Dixie Belle sharing my new vision.  We both agreed that as a team…I would be able to reach more people showcasing their products while staying true to my brand and style…..and encourage others to open that jar of paint and try it for themselves!

“To date…..I have traveled from coast to coast to teach in-person classes, speak at workshops, host hundreds of women at yearly paint retreats….and build creative relationships with people around the world in private membership groups and online courses!!  I am no longer alone! No longer consumed by shipping deadlines!  I am happy and healthy and I LOVE my job….which doesn’t feel like a job at all!  Had it not been for Dixie Belle reaching out to me around the time of my diagnosis….and believing in me…..I’m not sure I would have changed course!  I am so grateful!”

Dixie Belle Paint Blog Image


Alright, DIY fam, we’ve reached the end of this fun-filled introduction, and I just wanted to give a big shoutout to all of you for joining us on this colorful ride. Seriously, your energy and creativity keep me buzzing! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just getting started on your DIY journey, remember that Dixie Belle Paint has got your back – and so do I!

So, here’s to many more messy paintbrushes, late-night crafting sessions, and epic DIY wins. Keep those creative juices flowing, and let’s make some magic happen!



To See More of Tracey’s Fancy Creations:

About the Author

Dixie Belle Paint Company

Dixie Belle Paint Company provides a line of chalk mineral paint that is high quality, easy to use, and most importantly priced so every DIYer can create and discover the joy of painting.

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