Hey creative friend! It’s Do from Do Dodson Designs! If the price is right, you know I’m gonna grab it no matter the condition! I knew this DIY cedar chest makeover would be a challenge, but it turns out it was easier than I expected. Let’s get creative and DO this!

DIY Modern Farmhouse Cedar Chest

It had been painted prior… some time ago, from what I could gather. Old trim and some of the veneer were in bad shape, too, and I wasn’t crazy about the whole leg situation.

Therefore, with a hammer, paint scraper, and a little elbow grease, I managed to strip this vintage cedar chest down and was left with an empty cedar box. That’s a blank canvas for me to be creative. Let’s get started!

Materials List:

wood trim 1×1/8 inch pine strips

wood glue

Silk All-In-One Paint CONCH (a gorgeous pale pink)

Extra Coat


gold furniture legs (these are 6 inch)

How To:

Step 1:

First, I used 1 1/8 inch wood trim to create a modern design all across the front of the cedar chest. I followed the lines that were already across the front. Each piece was attached with wood glue and secured with a pin nailer.

Step 2:

Before the next step… painting, of course, I used a stain blocker to prevent the wood tannins from bleeding through my paint.

Step 3:

Next,  I choose a lovely shade of pink CONCH from the Silk All-In-One Mineral Paint line by Dixie Belle Paint Company for the paint.

DIY Modern Farmhouse Cedar Chest

Furthermore, to read the rest of this lovely tutorial, head on over to Do Dodson Designs here!

DIY Modern Farmhouse Cedar Chest

About the Author

Do Dodson Designs

Donna, also known as Do, is a decorative furniture artist, photographer, DIYer, author of Do Dodson Designs Blog. Do's true passion is attached to the paint brush and encouraging women. She has a successful online group where she teaches women how to merge their passion for furniture painting with business growth.

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