As the crisp autumn air sets in and the leaves begin to don their vibrant hues, it’s the perfect time to gather friends and family for a Thanksgiving celebration. This year, why not add a creative twist to your traditional feast by hosting a Dixie Belle Pie Party? Beyond the delicious pies, we’ll guide you through transforming your Thanksgiving spread with the help of Dixie Belle Paint Products. From a personalized cake stand to a welcoming sign and a gratitude jar, let’s infuse your gathering with warmth, creativity, and gratitude, creating lasting memories that go beyond the table and straight to your heart.

1. Welcoming Guests with a Hand-Painted Sign

Kick off your Dixie Belle Pie Party with a warm welcome. Create a charming sign that sets the tone for your gathering. Whether you are hosting a BYOP (Bring Your Own Pie) or have the spread of sweets prepared nicely for your guests, they are sure to walk through the door with bright eyes and full hearts. Here’s how you can easily paint your own Welcome Sign.

  • Instructions:

    • Sand your wooden sign to ensure a smooth surface for your chalk mineral paint to glide.
    • Apply a base coat of your chosen fall color in Dixie Belle’s Chalk Mineral Paint.
    • Get creative with patterns! Use Dixie Belle’s Decoupage Paper or Transfers from their Belle’s and Whistles Line.
    • Once dry, seal your sign with Dixie Belle Clear Coat for durability.

2. Elevate Desserts with a Personalized Cake Stand

Give your pies the presentation they deserve with a hand-painted cake stand. This DIY project adds a touch of elegance to your dessert table:

  • Instructions:
    • Clean the cake stand surface thoroughly with White Lightning Cleaner. You’ll want to make sure you get any labels or grime off the surface you’re going to paint.
    • Apply two coats of Dixie Belle Silk All-in-One Paint, in your favorite fall hue. We are really loving the color Desert Rose for a sophisticated autumn. Be sure you are allowing each coat to dry completely before applying another.
    • Add decorative touches with Mylar Stencils, hand-painted designs, or Dixie Shine for some shimmer.
    • Finish with a layer of Dixie Belle Best Dang Wax for a polished look and a coat of our Satin Top Coat to ensure your designs can endure the presentation and cleaning to come. Cut a piece of parchment paper in the shape of your cake stand to provide a protective layer between your creation and your pie.

3. Fostering Gratitude with a Dixie Belle Gratitude Jar

Encourage a spirit of thankfulness by incorporating a gratitude jar into your Thanksgiving celebration. You can even make a creative game about it! Have all of your guests write what they are most thankful for on a small piece of paper, and put it in the jar. Then, pass the jar around and guess who wrote each note!

  • Instructions:
    • Clean your jar thoroughly and paint a base of Slick Stick to ensure your paint adheres to the smooth glass.
    • Apply the Dixie Belle Patina Paint according to the instructions for an aged appearance.
    • Allow the patina to fully develop before sealing the jar with the Dixie Belle Patina Guard.
    • Set out slips of paper and pens near the jar, inviting guests to jot down what they’re thankful for throughout the evening.
    • Pass the gratitude jar around during dessert, fostering a sense of appreciation among your guests.

Hosting a Dixie Belle Pie Party for Thanksgiving is a delightful way to infuse creativity and gratitude into your gathering. Beyond the mouthwatering pies, these personalized touches—a hand-painted welcome sign, an elegant cake stand, and a gratitude jar—transform your celebration into a feast for the eyes and the heart. Embrace the spirit of the season with Dixie Belle Paint Products and create a Thanksgiving experience that transcends the ordinary, leaving your guests with cherished memories and a deep sense of gratitude.

About the Author

Dixie Belle Paint Company

Dixie Belle Paint Company provides a line of chalk mineral paint that is high quality, easy to use, and most importantly priced so every DIYer can create and discover the joy of painting.

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