Hello, creative friends! It’s Do from Do Dodson Designs! Today, I want to share my easy DIY Chalk Mineral Paint stenciling technique that you can use on your painted furniture makeovers. I was so happy when I figured out that I could add global patterns in a subtle way that would work with my neutral farmhouse décor. I did my best to create a Moroccan farmhouse vibe and I’m pretty happy with the results. You’re totally going to want to add this to your furniture painting technique portfolio.

DIY Stenciled Buffet

Materials List:

How To:

Step 1:

First, paint a base coat color on your furniture project. For this buffet table, I used Buttercream and Cotton Chalk Mineral Paint and blended the two in random areas to create a mottled (blotchy) effect. This will be the background for the stencil to overlay. Allow the paint to fully dry (at least overnight) before the next step.

Step 2:

Next, secure the stencil on the furniture with painters tape.

DIY Stenciled Buffet

Step 3:

Here is the fun part! Use 2 colors that are similar (I used Cotton and Sandbar Chalk Mineral Paint) and apply the paint like you would over any stencil using a flat natural bristle brush. I call this technique dabbing. Apply the Chalk Mineral Paint sparingly using an up and down motion, never back and forth. As you dab the Chalk Mineral Paint over the stencil you will need to add the two colors in different areas and overlap them. Use a paper plate to offload the paint from your brush and to mix the colors slightly as you go. Use a minimal amount of paint for the best results. This will blend the two colors together and also create a small bit of raised texture with the Chalk Mineral Paint stenciling.

DIY Stenciled Buffet

To read the rest of this delightful tutorial, head over to Do Dodson Designs here!

DIY Stenciled Buffet

About the Author

Do Dodson Designs

Donna, also known as Do, is a decorative furniture artist, photographer, DIYer, author of Do Dodson Designs Blog. Do's true passion is attached to the paint brush and encouraging women. She has a successful online group where she teaches women how to merge their passion for furniture painting with business growth.

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