Hi everyone, Denise from Salvaged Inspirations here!

Don’t you just love this vintage vanity makeover? 

I created this Stormy Seas piece with Dixie Belle Paint in AmethystButtercream, and Stormy SeasBest Dang Wax in Black and Warm Gold Gilding Wax.

Here’s how I got started on this piece:

I picked Stormy Seas to layer over and tone down the purple. I applied the paint heavy in some areas, light in others, and then sprayed a little water in places so the paint became a wash. This let the color underneath peek through. It gives it a soft subtle look with a lot of depth.

To learn more about the layered painting process, head over to Salvaged Inspirations here!

Stormy Seas Vintage Vanity - Salvaged Inspirations

About the Author

Salvaged Inspirations

Denise is a blogger, self-taught furniture artist, writer, photographer and the owner/creator of Salvaged Inspirations. She is a lover of all things vintage, repurposed and restyled. A thrift enthusiast, she’s always in pursuit of the next creative upcycle.

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